Physical Education
The objective of the Millennium Art Academy Physical Education curriculum is teach students how to lead healthy and active lifestyles through various areas of sport and fitness via physical activity and the New York State Physical Education Standards

Ms. Felicies
Physical Education Instructor
Click HERE for curriculum maps
Andrew Fleitman
Physical Education/Dean Intern
B.S.- Communication Arts
SUNY Oneonta, 2008
M.A.- Physical Education
Adelphi University, 2010
B.S.-Physical Education- Hunter College
A fully accredited institution of higher education, offers curricula leading to the bachelor of arts, bachelor of fine arts, bachelor of music, bachelor of science, masters in education along with a wide range of others. Hunter college no longer offers a degree in physical education.
M.S. Education- Mercy College
A four year,private, non-sectarian, non profit liberal arts college. They have numerous campuses in New york city and Westchester county. They offer very small class sizes, which support a better learning environment. Professors work closely with students and give tremendous support.
M.S School leadership-College of St. Rose
CITE program is a district level program for teachers who want to become administrstors. Students enroll in clases at extension sites around the city. A cohort is followed. All classes are done in 4 week periods. There is a weekend class that must be taken at the College of St. Rose in Albany New York. Once the program is finished students then take an assessment test and are granted SDL certificate.